Child Abuse Prevention Program And Resources In ELCC Now Mandatory
In May 2024, the governments of Canada and Manitoba have partnered with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P) to offer child abuse prevention training to all early childhood education professionals and volunteers in our province. This training will be mandatory. Child care professionals, volunteers and early childhood education students will have access to a variety of online training, digital and print resources designed to provide the necessary knowledge and tools to proactively mitigate the risk of child sexual abuse. Early childhood educators (ECEs), child care assistants (CCAs), home-based providers, will be required to complete the Commit to Kids Foundational Information for Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse training and Commit to Kids Child Sexual Abuse Prevention training by March 31, 2025, with renewal every four years. In addition to providing this new mandatory training, Canada, Manitoba and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection are also partnering to provide policy development kits and age-appropriate curriculum and materials for safeguarding children in child care facilities across Manitoba. With the implementation of this comprehensive suite of training and resources for the early learning and child care sector, Manitoba will be a leader in the country regarding child protection in early learning and child care.
Discovery will begin the Teatree Tells program with our older 3- and 4-year-olds this month. A letter describing how this program will be shared with the children and parents was sent home last month. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact one of the directors at 204 889-2689 or by email