Family Fun Day - Tuesday June 26th.
Our annual Family Fun Day will be taking place on Tuesday June 26th. If you are new to our Centre, please know that you and your family are absolutely welcome to come and join us. It is a great time of fun, food and fellowship with your family and other DCC families and staff. The event starts at 5:00 PM and ends at 7:00 PM. The BBQ and event will be happening in the back field just South of our building. Along with you our valuable DCC families we love to see Grandparents also coming to join in on the event. Do remember to invite them alone as well.
Although the event is FREE we will be gathering personal donations from attendees (suggested donation of $2 per person) to ensure that the event covers its own costs.
We would like to send out special thanks to School Trustees Ed Hume and Peter Woods for their cash donations to help offset the costs of the event and for Scott Gillingham (City Councillor) who generously is picking up the cost of the inflatable bouncer for the event.
Please sign up on the sheets that are on your child’s sign up clipboard, by Monday at noon so we have enough food for the BBQ. See you there 🙂