March 15th Discovery Is Ready To Start To Return To Normal
This document has been revised from documents shared by ELCC (Early Learning and Child Care) and SJASD (the St James Assiniboine School Division)
After two years of restrictions and public health orders, public health officials advise we are in a position to start to return to normal. As changes to public health requirements take place in the community, they will be mirrored in child care facilities and schools.
Our ongoing priority is to support children, staff, and families as we turn our focus to planning a post-pandemic future. Please note the following changes to COVID-19 practices at Discovery:
Effective March 15, 2022, Manitoba Public Health announced that masks will no longer be required indoors in childcare facilities and schools. While it is no longer mandated through public health orders, Discovery is still recommending that staff, school age children, parents and visitors continue to wear masks when indoors.
Note: Discovery staff who work in close proximity with children who are at a high risk of severe outcomes will be strongly recommended to wear a mask.
As mask requirements are removed, it is important to note that children and staff can continue to choose to wear masks, based on their individual risk and personal preference. We ask our community to be respectful and supportive of each other’s decision.
Discovery will continue to provide masks for those staff who choose to wear them.
All of Discovery’s parents and visitors will once again have access to our indoor spaces. Parent pick up and drop off procedures (including entrances and exits to use) will be reviewed and the details will be shared next week to prepare for upcoming changes; beginning March 28, 2022.
Volunteers will also be welcome back into our programs.
Considering that parents and visitors will be welcomed into the building, cohorts will no longer remain in place. Staff and children will have access to all of Discovery’s play spaces, both indoors and outdoors, with a continued focus on practicing COVID-19 fundamentals such as sanitizing, good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
Physical Distancing requirements are no longer required; however, it is expected that individuals are cautious and respectful of others when interacting without facemasks.
- Discovery will have masks available for children (school age) who become ill while they are at the Centre and are awaiting pick-up. We will continue to expect that parents will make arrangements to pick up a sick child within 30 minutes of being notified that their child is ill.
- Please refer to updated COVID-19 isolation guidance: Gov of MB Current Isolation Requirements
- Children/ Staff who have tested positive for COVID-19
Isolation for COVID-19 is still advised:
- People with symptoms should stay home and isolate for five days after symptoms start, until they have no fever and other symptoms have improved over the past 24 hours.
- Individuals who have tested positive but do not develop symptoms should isolate for five days from the date of the test.
- Individuals should wear a well-fitted, well-made mask if they have contact with other people while they are ill, when their isolation is finished, for 10 days after the onset of their symptoms, or test date if asymptomatic.
- People who have symptoms or test positive should avoid non-essential visits with higher-risk people or at higher-risk settings for 10 days after the onset of their symptoms, or test date if asymptomatic.
- We encourage all to continue to follow preventive measures as much as possible:
- Be sure to stay home if you’re sick
- Get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19
- Wash your hands frequently
- Practice good respiratory etiquette.
- Routine cleaning and disinfection can return to normal practices in ELCC facilities, but with a continued focus on high-touch surfaces and common areas, including washrooms.
- Families and staff members should be encouraged to continue to report positive cases and symptoms to the child care facility.
- As with any other communicable disease, public health will continue to work with ELCC facilities as needed.
As the pandemic measures change, we need to be kind, compassionate, and understanding with ourselves, and with those around us. Individuals have differing levels of comfort with these shifts in practice as each family has varying experiences with the impact of COVID-19 in their lives. Discovery will continue to create welcoming environments for all throughout this transition time. We will continue to keep the community updated on changes during the evolving pandemic response plan. Thank you for your continued partnership and support as we strive to maintain safe and caring community for our children, staff, and families