Next Steps For Returning To Pre-COVID Operations At Discovery
We are gradually returning to normal and this begins with the removal of public health orders. While requirements are going away, public health continues to provide guidance and recommendations, similar to other communicable diseases.
March 14th Removal of mask requirements
Like many other Early Learning and Child Care facilities Discovery still highly recommends the use of masks indoors; especially in the rooms where there are children who are immune compromised.
Beginning March 22nd Assign ALL parents key fobs.
If you do not have a key fob we are requesting that you pick one up next week. Between either 7:45-9:00am or 3:30-5:00 we will be signing out key fobs for **groups on the following days: (a table will be set up in your entry; there is no charge for your first 2 key fobs)
- March 22- S2
- March 23-P1, P2, S1
- March 24- XP, FX, IT
**This year, Nursery School parents will not be provided with a key fob. On most days, the Nursery School groups will be outside when parents arrive for drop off and pick up. Tpo enter the building you will ring the door bell and our receptionist will let you in the building.
All key fobs will be activated for use to begin on Monday, March 28, 2022.
March 28th Drop off and pick up indoors begins
Discovery will return to regular practices and policies for parental pick up and drop offs. PLEASE NOTE, Zone 1 entrance on Hampton street (closest to Silver Avenue) will no longer be used as an entrance, all staff and families will now use the main entrance on Hampton and the entrance off the back parking lot.
- Parents will use their key fob to enter the building
- Upon entry ALL parents will sanitize their hands
- Parent will walk to their child’s locker, remove outdoor clothing, help child with indoor shoes, then bring their child to the classroom
- NOTE: Discovery staff is only responsible for a child after the following two (2) procedures have occurred:
- At drop-off: STEP #1 Person has signed in Child. STEP #2 Drop-off person has clearly communicated the arrival of the child to an on- duty staff of their child’s Unit.
- At pick up: STEP #1 Person has signed out Child. · STEP #2 Pick-up person has clearly communicated their arrival to an on duty-staff in their child’s Unit.
March 28th Removal of physical distancing and cohort requirements
Now that parents and visitors will be entering our building, the cohorts will no longer be necessary. However, staff and management will need some time to reorganize the spaces in the Centre and return to operations as they were. For example, we will be moving the children out of the gym (which is currently set up as a classroom). The space for staff will be moved back into the pre-existing staff room, which means Mrs. Freeman’s office is moving back to the other wing of the building. These transitions will take place over the next month. Please have patience. With some “reflection and lessons learned”, we are confident these spaces will be as good if not better than before.
Finally, it is important to remember that risk tolerance and comfort level is not the same for everyone. We need to be respectful and supportive of additional measures that some individuals may continue taking as they seek to reduce their risk and protect others, and at the same time remember that cautiously resuming normal activities is important for our overall individual and community well-being.
Stay healthy and take care everyone.