Parents Bringing Breakfast For Children To Eat At The Centre (preschool and kindergarten programs only)
The weather is allowing programs to begin their days outside again. When possible, the staff will plan to be outside when most of the children arrive. Due to the staff child ratio and safety concerns, if a child brings breakfast or a morning snack from home to consume at the Centre during play time, parents must stay with their child until the child has finished eating. Regulations require that all children be supervised while eating and we are refraining from eating in outdoor areas until there are enough staff on duty to properly supervise clean up (due to children with anaphylaxis allergies. If you would prefer your child eat later, with the group, all the preschool and the kindergarten programs have a scheduled snack time (between 8:15 to 8:30am).
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Directors at