Variety's Funding Provides SLP Services To Discovery

Once again, due to Variety, The Children’s Charity of Manitoba’s generosity with funding, Discovery is able to continue to provide Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) services to preschool aged children in our programs. Cheyann Boisvert (M.Cl.Sc. RSLP Speech Language Pathologist) will return this year and she will be available once a week at Discovery Children’s Centre throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Over the course of the year, she will be collaborating with staff, consulting with parents and spending time with the children in the nursery and preschool programs. Speech Language Pathologists are trained to assess and provide intervention to support articulation, language, fluency, voice, cognitive communication, social communication, augmentative and alternative communication and swallowing disorders. Please feel free to contact Ms. Boisvert ( or 204-885-1334 ext. 2336) if you have any questions or concerns.
Parents did you know that Variety, the Children’s Charity of Manitoba provides funds for certain equipment and/or services through their Special Needs Program. For more information you can contact Variety’s Program Coordinator (Michele Burnett) at 204-296-6841 or by email at
Stay healthy and take care.